FAQ: things you need to know about namespaces

This FAQ is split into two sections: common questions, and some specifics ofimplementation that are helpful to understand fully. 

First, the common questions. 

1. If I don't use namespaces, shouldI care about any of this?  

2. How do I use internal or globalclasses in a namespace?  

3. How do I use namespaces classesfunctions, or constants in their own namespace?  

4. How does a name like \my\name or \nameresolve?   

5. How does a name like my\name resolve?  

6. How does an unqualified class namelike name resolve?  

7. How does an unqualified functionname or unqualified constant namelike name resolve?  

There are a few implementation details of the namespace implementationsthat are helpful to understand. 

1. Import names cannot conflict withclasses defined in the same file.  

2. Nested namespaces are not allowed.   

3. Neither functions norconstants can be imported via the usestatement.  

4. Dynamic namespace names (quotedidentifiers) should escape backslash.  

5. Undefined Constants referencedusing any backslash die with fatal error  

6. Cannot override specialconstants NULL, TRUE, FALSE, ZEND_THREAD_SAFE or ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD  

If I don't use namespaces, should I care about any of this?

No. Namespaces do not affect any existing code in any way, or anyas-yet-to-be-written code that does not contain namespaces. You canwrite this code if you wish: 

Example #1 Accessing global classes outside a namespace


$a = new \stdClass;  

This is functionally equivalent to: 

Example #2 Accessing global classes outside a namespace


$a = new stdClass;  

How do I use internal or global classes in a namespace?

Example #3 Accessing internal classes in namespaces


namespace foo;

$a = new \stdClass;

function test(\ArrayObject $typehintexample = null) {}

$a = \DirectoryIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO;

// extending an internal or global class

class MyException extends \Exception {}


How do I use namespaces classes, functions, or constants in their ownnamespace? 

Example #4 Accessing internal classes, functions or constants in namespaces


namespace foo;

class MyClass {}

// using a class from the current namespace as a type hint

function test(MyClass $typehintexample = null) {}

// another way to use a class from the current namespace as a type hint

function test(\foo\MyClass $typehintexample = null) {}

// extending a class from the current namespace

class Extended extends MyClass {}

// accessing a global function

$a = \globalfunc();

// accessing a global constant

$b = \INI_ALL;


How does a name like \my\name or \nameresolve? 

Names that begin with a \ always resolve to what theylook like, so \my\name is in fact my\name,and \Exception is Exception. 

Example #5 Fully Qualified names


namespace foo;

$a = new \my\name(); // instantiates "my\name" class

echo \strlen('hi'); // calls function "strlen"

$a = \INI_ALL; // $a is set to the value of constant "INI_ALL"


How does a name like my\name resolve?

Names that contain a backslash but do not begin with a backslash like my\name can be resolved in 2 different ways. 

If there isan import statement that aliases another name to my, thenthe import alias is applied to the my in my\name. 

Otherwise, the current namespace name is prepended to my\name. 

Example #6 Qualified names


namespace foo;

use blah\blah as foo;

$a = new my\name(); // instantiates "foo\my\name" class

foo\bar::name(); // calls static method "name" in class "blah\blah\bar"

my\bar(); // calls function "foo\my\bar"

$a = my\BAR; // sets $a to the value of constant "foo\my\BAR"


How does an unqualified class name like name resolve?

Class names that do not contain a backslash like name can be resolved in 2 different ways. 

If there isan import statement that aliases another name to name, thenthe import alias is applied. 

Otherwise, the current namespace name is prepended to name. 

Example #7 Unqualified class names


namespace foo;

use blah\blah as foo;

$a = new name(); // instantiates "foo\name" class

foo::name(); // calls static method "name" in class "blah\blah"


How does an unqualified function name or unqualified constant namelike name resolve? 

Function or constant names that do not contain a backslash like name can be resolved in 2 different ways. 

First, the current namespace name is prepended to name. 

Finally, if the constant or function name does not existin the current namespace, a global constant or function nameis used if it exists. 

Example #8 Unqualified function or constant names


namespace foo;

use blah\blah as foo;

const FOO = 1;

function my() {}

function foo() {}

function sort(&$a)



    $a = array_flip($a);

    return $a;


my(); // calls "foo\my"

$a = strlen('hi'); // calls global function "strlen" because "foo\strlen" does not exist

$arr = array(1,3,2);

$b = sort($arr); // calls function "foo\sort"

$c = foo(); // calls function "foo\foo" - import is not applied

$a = FOO; // sets $a to value of constant "foo\FOO" - import is not applied

$b = INI_ALL; // sets $b to value of global constant "INI_ALL"


Import names cannot conflict with classes defined in the same file.

The following script combinations are legal: 



namespace my\stuff;

class MyClass {}




namespace another;

class thing {}




namespace my\stuff;

include 'file1.php';

include 'another.php';

use another\thing as MyClass;

$a = new MyClass; // instantiates class "thing" from namespace another


There is no name conflict, even though the class MyClass existswithin the my\stuff namespace, because the MyClass definition isin a separate file. However, the next example causes a fatal error on name conflictbecause MyClass is defined in the same file as the use statement. 


namespace my\stuff;

use another\thing as MyClass;

class MyClass {} // fatal error: MyClass conflicts with import statement

$a = new MyClass;


Nested namespaces are not allowed.

PHP does not allow nesting namespaces 


namespace my\stuff {

    namespace nested {

        class foo {}




However, it is easy to simulate nested namespaces like so: 


namespace my\stuff\nested {

    class foo {}



Neither functions nor constants can be imported via the usestatement.

The only elements that are affected by use statements are namespacesand class names. In order to shorten a long constant or function, import its containingnamespace 


namespace mine;

use ultra\long\ns\name;

$a = name\CONSTANT;



Dynamic namespace names (quoted identifiers) should escape backslash

It is very important to realize that because the backslash is used as an escape characterwithin strings, it should always be doubled when used inside a string. Otherwisethere is a risk of unintended consequences: 

Example #9 Dangers of using namespaced names inside a double-quoted string


$a = new "dangerous\name"; // \n is a newline inside double quoted strings!

$obj = new $a;

$a = new 'not\at\all\dangerous'; // no problems here.

$obj = new $a;


Inside a single-quoted string, the backslash escape sequence is much safer to use, but itis still recommended practice to escape backslashes in all strings as a best practice. 

Undefined Constants referenced using any backslash die with fatal error

Any undefined constant that is unqualified like FOO willproduce a notice explaining that PHP assumed FOO was the valueof the constant. Any constant, qualified or fully qualified, that contains abackslash will produce a fatal error if not found. 

Example #10 Undefined constants


namespace bar;

$a = FOO; // produces notice - undefined constants "FOO" assumed "FOO";

$a = \FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant FOO

$a = Bar\FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant bar\Bar\FOO

$a = \Bar\FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant Bar\FOO


Cannot override special constants NULL, TRUE, FALSE, ZEND_THREAD_SAFE or ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD

Any attempt to define a namespaced constant that is a special, built-in constantresults in a fatal error 

Example #11 Undefined constants


namespace bar;

const NULL = 0; // fatal error;

const true = 'stupid'; // also fatal error;

// etc.


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