【干货】广州市二模 一线教师优质下水作文

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


为庆祝四月二十日中国语言日,你校举办了主题活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内 容包括:

1. 活动内容;



1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

20230418 广州市高三二模 教师下水作文

中大附中 戚满兰


Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus

Aiming to celebrate the Chinese Language Day, which falls on April 20  every year, our school carried out a series of celebrations. Here is a brief  introduction to them. 

The first celebration was the Chinese Poetry Relay 诗词接力赛, in which  participants competed with each other to recite a verse containing the  same shared word in some famous Chinese poems. The second celebration was Calligraphy & Painting Contest 书画比赛, where contests  showed amazing skills in blending calligraphy perfectly with painting.  What attracted us students most was Charades /ʃəˈreɪdz/ 猜字谜, a game  in which one player uses only actions to show the meaning of a word or  an idiom and the other players have to guess what it is. The last two  activities were lectures delivered by two distinguished Chinese language  experts, who shared with us how the Chinese language originated and  developed and how some famous Chinese works have exerted  considerable influence on literature around the world. 

All the celebrations have been well received and enjoyed great  popularity, because they help us students gain better insight into the  unique charm of Chinese language and feel proud of it. Besides, we have  learned that the Chinese language has contributed a lot to language  diversity and cultural diversity, attracting more and more foreigners to  learn Chinese or to appreciate Chinese painting, calligraphy, poetry, and literature. In a word, we have benefited a lot from the Chinese Language  Day and we hope next year there will be more amazing celebrations to  help us explore the beauty of our mother tongue.


As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations,  Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011. Language Days  at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural  diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages  throughout the Organization.

中文作为联合国六种正式工作语言之一,中国语言日自 2011 年起开始设立。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语言的使用和文化多样性,并促进 六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。


Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus

Aiming to celebrate the Chinese Language Day, which falls on April 20  every year, our school carried out a series of celebrations. Here is a brief  introduction to them. 

The first celebration was the Chinese Poetry Relay 诗词接力赛, in which  participants competed with each other to recite a verse containing the  same shared word in some famous Chinese poems. The second celebration was Calligraphy & Painting Contest 书画比赛, where contests  showed amazing skills in blending calligraphy perfectly with painting.  What attracted us students most was Charades /ʃəˈreɪdz/ 猜字谜, a game  in which one player uses only actions to show the meaning of a word or  an idiom and the other players have to guess what it is. The last two  activities were lectures delivered by two distinguished Chinese language  experts, who shared with us how the Chinese language originated and  developed and how some famous Chinese works have exerted  considerable influence on literature around the world. 

All the celebrations have been well received and enjoyed great  popularity, because they help us students gain better insight into the  unique charm of Chinese language and feel proud of it. Besides, we have  learned that the Chinese language has contributed a lot to language  diversity and cultural diversity, attracting more and more foreigners to  learn Chinese or to appreciate Chinese painting, calligraphy, poetry, and literature. In a word, we have benefited a lot from the Chinese Language  Day and we hope next year there will be more amazing celebrations to  help us explore the beauty of our mother tongue.


As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations,  Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011. Language Days  at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural  diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages  throughout the Organization.

中文作为联合国六种正式工作语言之一,中国语言日自 2011 年起开始设立。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语言的使用和文化多样性,并促进 六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。



Outside the Box

The Harvestfest contest was falling on Friday and everyone in school was talking about it. All the students would show up in their self-made costumes(装扮)and a winner would be chosen by the principal.

“Do you have your costume for the Harvestfest contest?"Alice asked."I'm going as a chocolate bar. My mom and I have been working on it all week.”

“Yeah, I have a costume,”said Jordan Eastman, popping up the two front wheels of his wheelchair as he waited for his dad to pick him up.“But it's boring.”

“Why? What is it?”Alice asked.

“MaxMag the superhero, but Danny, Tom and Izzy are all going as MaxMag too.” Jordan shook his head.“That's too many to stand a chance at winning the contest.”He waved to his dad, who had just pulled up in front of the school.

Jordan rolled his wheelchair toward his dad, and Alice walked with him to the minivan(小货车).

“Maybe you should go as something else.”

“The contest is Friday night.”Jordan sighed.“It's too late to change costumes.”

“Jordan, you have to think outside the box. Look around your house and see what you have. There's hidden potential in everyday items."She took a sip of her drink, and told Jordan that her chocolate-bar costume was made from old fabric her mom had lying around and recycled plastics.

On his way home, Jordan was quiet. He kept thinking about Alice's words: Think outside the box. There's hidden potential in everyday items. When he got home, he found his mum handling with some  wooden pieces. She was putting a new desk together. On top of the desk was the huge empty cardboard box the pieces had come in. Mom smiled at Jordan, pointing at the desk,“What do you think?”


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Jordan's eyes fell on the box and he smiled,"It's perfect . … with my wheelchair.”

Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn't wait to show his costume.


Jordan's eyes fell on the box and he smiled, “It's perfect ... with my  wheelchair.” His face lit up as a fantastic idea flashed through his mind.  He asked eagerly, “Mum, may I have this empty box?” “Sure. Go ahead.” Excited, he put the huge empty box on the floor and cut it into different  pieces. He drew a sword on one piece, cut it out, and painted it silver. A  sliver sword came into being! Then he used the same way to make a red  shield and a golden star. Sticking the golden star to the center of the red  shield, he smiled radiantly, saying to himself, “What a striking shield! It is  a good match for the silver sword! And both of them go well with my wheelchair and my costume!” 

Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn't wait to show his costume. No sooner had Jordan showed up in his self-made costume than it caught  everyone’s eyes, as he carried his silver sword in his right hand, with the  red shield hanging on the left side of his wheelchair. “What an impressive  MaxMag superhero you are!” exclaimed Alice when she caught sight of Jordan. “Thank you. You look great too in your chocolate-bar costume.”  Jordan replied sincerely. “Without your inspiration and tips, I could have  never come up with such a good idea!” added Jordan. Just at that moment,  the principal announced Jordan the winner of the Harvestfest contest. All  his fellow students responded with cheers and thunderous applause. From  this unforgettable experience, Jordan gained better insight into Alice's  words: Think outside the box 跳出固有思维模式

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河北省高职单招职业适应性测试模拟试卷 (第九大类)





海安高级中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试历史试卷海安高级中学 2020-2021 学年度第二学期期中考试高一历史试卷一、选择题(15*3=45)1.有学者认为:“从中国处理港澳问题的实际出发 ,创造性地形成了自己的制度体制 ,具有完全自主的知识产权" ,体现了中国智慧,是典型的中国方案 ,值得他国借鉴。”材料 表明这一“制度体制”是A.直接针对港澳问题的科学设想 B. 引领中


幼小衔接必考试题系列一.常识题。1.我们是( )人,我们国家的首都在( ),国旗是( )。2.十月一日是( )节。3.一年有( )个月,一个星期有( )天。二.减一笔变新字。天 ( ) 来 ( ) 用( ) 生 ( )去( ) 禾 ( ) 主( ) 灭 ( )三.写出下列汉字的笔画。果: 车: 方: 瓜:四.将下列拼音组成一句话写下来。1.lǐ sēn lín lǎo hǔ yǒu2.xǐ hua


幼小衔接:语文老师整理,拼音过关测试卷(共10套,可打印)各位家长:为了让您的孩子能更好更快地掌握拼音,设计了拼音过关练习卷,请您每天监督您的孩子能够又快又准地读出来。每张至少要读5遍以上。第一课拼音过关测试卷一、准确认读ā e ǒ à è o á ěó ǎ ò ē ō ɑ é二、比一比,读一读ā—ō á—ò é—è ǎ—ǒ ā—ě ó—é e—ɑ ǎ—é à—ó ɑ—ǒ ǒ—ě ō—é è—à


徐州市睢宁县2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试政治试题2021~2022学年度第二学期期中考试高一政治试题一、单项选择题:共 15题,每题 3分,共 45分。每题只有一个选项最符合题意。1.我国历史发展的事实证明,不触动旧的社会根基的自强运动,各种名目的改良主义,旧式农民战争,资产阶级革命派领导的民主主义革命,照搬西方政治制度模式的各种方案,都不能完成中华民族救亡图存和反帝反封建的历史任务,







