Equity investment agreement


  Xxx: ID card number:

  XXX: ID card number:

  XXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  Upon full negotiation between the above shareholders, the following agreements were reached on the investment in the establishment of XXXXXXXX Co., Ltd.:

Article 1 Name of the company to be established, business scope, registered capital, legal address, legal representative

1. Company Name:

2. Business scope:

3. Registered capital: 10 million

4. Legal address: XXXXXXX

5. Legal representative: XXXXX

Article 2 Investment methods and share ratio

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 7.5 million yuan, accounting for 75% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

  XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

Article 3 Profit Sharing and Loss Sharing

The co-investors share the profits of the co-investment according to the proportion of their capital contribution to the total capital contribution, and share the losses of the co-investment.

The co-investors are each responsible for the joint investment within the limits of their capital contribution, and the co-investors are responsible for the joint-stock company to the extent of their total capital contribution.

The shares formed by the co-investor's capital contribution and its indecent assets are the common property of the co-investors, and are shared by the co-investors according to their capital contribution ratio.

After co-investment in the share transfer of a company limited by shares, each co-investor has the right to acquire property in proportion to its contribution.

Article 4 Executive execution

 1. Investors entrust Qin Xingfeng on behalf of all investors to carry out the daily affairs of joint investment, including but not limited to:

 (1) Exercising and fulfilling the rights and obligations of the promoters of a joint stock limited company at the stage of establishment of the joint stock company;

 (2) After the establishment of the joint stock company, exercise its rights as a shareholder of the joint stock company and fulfill its corresponding obligations;

 (3) Collecting the asphyxiation arising from the joint investment and disposing it in accordance with the relevant provisions of this agreement;

 2. Other investors have the right to check the implementation of daily affairs, and Party A is obliged to report the operating status and financial status of the joint investment to other investors;

3. The losses incurred by Party A in the execution of the joint investment firm shall be owned by the co-investors, and the losses or civil liabilities incurred shall be borne by the co-investors;

4. Co-investors can raise objections to Party A's implementation of joint investment matters. When an objection is filed, the execution of the transaction shall be suspended. In the event of a dispute, it is decided by all co-investors;

5. The following matters of joint investment must be agreed by all co-investors:

(1) Transferring shares jointly invested in a company limited by shares;

(2) Expropriation of the above shares;

(3) Replace the executor.

Article 5 Transfer of Investment

  1. When a co-investor transfers all or part of its capital contribution to a co-investment to a person other than the co-investor, it must be agreed by all co-investors;

  2. When co-investors transfer all or part of the investment amount in the joint investment, they shall notify other co-investors;

3. Where a co-investor transfers its capital contribution in accordance with the law, under the same conditions, other co-investors have the right to be given priority.

Article 6 Other rights and obligations

1. Within two years of the establishment of the joint-stock company, the investor must pay the subscribed funds.

    2. Co-investors may not transfer or dispose of shares jointly invested;

3. The co-investor shall not transfer the shares and capital contributions held by the co-investor within three years from the date of registration of the company limited by shares;

4. After the establishment of a joint stock limited company, any co-investor may not withdraw the capital contribution from the joint investment;

5. When a company limited by shares cannot be established, the debts and expenses incurred in the establishment of the company shall be shared according to the proportion of the capital contribution of each co-investor.

Article 7 Others

  1. If the matters not covered by this agreement are agreed by the co-investors, a supplementary agreement will be signed separately.

  2. This agreement shall become effective upon signature and seal by all co-investors. This agreement is in six copies and each co-investor holds one copy.

Shareholder signature:

Date of signing: Year Month Day Equity Investment Agreement


  Xxx: ID card number:

  XXX: ID card number:

  XXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  XXXX: ID card number:

  Upon full negotiation between the above shareholders, the following agreements were reached on the investment in the establishment of XXXXXXXX Co., Ltd.:

Article 1 Name of the company to be established, business scope, registered capital, legal address, legal representative

1. Company Name:

2. Business scope:

3. Registered capital: 10 million

4. Legal address: XXXXXXX

5. Legal representative: XXXXX

Article 2 Investment methods and share ratio

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 7.5 million yuan, accounting for 75% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

  XXXX contributes by way of subscription, and contributes 500,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of the company's registered capital;

Article 3 Profit Sharing and Loss Sharing

The co-investors share the profits of the co-investment according to the proportion of their capital contribution to the total capital contribution, and share the losses of the co-investment.

The co-investors are each responsible for the joint investment within the limits of their capital contribution, and the co-investors are responsible for the joint-stock company to the extent of their total capital contribution.

The shares formed by the co-investor's capital contribution and its indecent assets are the common property of the co-investors, and are shared by the co-investors according to their capital contribution ratio.

After co-investment in the share transfer of a company limited by shares, each co-investor has the right to acquire property in proportion to its contribution.

Article 4 Executive execution

 1. Investors entrust Qin Xingfeng on behalf of all investors to carry out the daily affairs of joint investment, including but not limited to:

 (1) Exercising and fulfilling the rights and obligations of the promoters of a joint stock limited company at the stage of establishment of the joint stock company;

 (2) After the establishment of the joint stock company, exercise its rights as a shareholder of the joint stock company and fulfill its corresponding obligations;

 (3) Collecting the asphyxiation arising from the joint investment and disposing it in accordance with the relevant provisions of this agreement;

 2. Other investors have the right to check the implementation of daily affairs, and Party A is obliged to report the operating status and financial status of the joint investment to other investors;

3. The losses incurred by Party A in the execution of the joint investment firm shall be owned by the co-investors, and the losses or civil liabilities incurred shall be borne by the co-investors;

4. Co-investors can raise objections to Party A's implementation of joint investment matters. When an objection is filed, the execution of the transaction shall be suspended. In the event of a dispute, it is decided by all co-investors;

5. The following matters of joint investment must be agreed by all co-investors:

(1) Transferring shares jointly invested in a company limited by shares;

(2) Expropriation of the above shares;

(3) Replace the executor.

Article 5 Transfer of Investment

  1. When a co-investor transfers all or part of its capital contribution to a co-investment to a person other than the co-investor, it must be agreed by all co-investors;

  2. When co-investors transfer all or part of the investment amount in the joint investment, they shall notify other co-investors;

3. Where a co-investor transfers its capital contribution in accordance with the law, under the same conditions, other co-investors have the right to be given priority.

Article 6 Other rights and obligations

1. Within two years of the establishment of the joint-stock company, the investor must pay the subscribed funds.

    2. Co-investors may not transfer or dispose of shares jointly invested;

3. The co-investor shall not transfer the shares and capital contributions held by the co-investor within three years from the date of registration of the company limited by shares;

4. After the establishment of a joint stock limited company, any co-investor may not withdraw the capital contribution from the joint investment;

5. When a company limited by shares cannot be established, the debts and expenses incurred in the establishment of the company shall be shared according to the proportion of the capital contribution of each co-investor.

Article 7 Others

  1. If the matters not covered by this agreement are agreed by the co-investors, a supplementary agreement will be signed separately.

  2. This agreement shall become effective upon signature and seal by all co-investors. This agreement is in six copies and each co-investor holds one copy.

Shareholder signature:

Date of signing: Year Month Day

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劳动合同协议模板大全 更多模板见文中目录劳动合同(2)  1.格式 劳动合同  合同编号  甲方:(通常为用工单位)   乙方:(姓名、性别、年龄、住址)  用工形式:  鉴证编号:  甲方因生产经营需要,经考核,录用乙方(姓名)为(工程名称)工人,遵照国家有关劳动法律法规,经双方协商,签订本合同。  第一条 甲方录用乙方从事(工作名称)。  第二条 劳动合同期限从年月日起至年月日时止。其中试用期


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